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favorable investment environment中文是什么意思

用"favorable investment environment"造句"favorable investment environment"怎么读"favorable investment environment" in a sentence


  • 良好的投资环境


  • It takes it as its main purpose to keep the stable development of regional economy , promote the int l trade and create favorable investment environment so as to stimulate global economic increase
    近年来, pecc决定进一步加强成员间的合作,旨在促进各地区的贸易发展,创造良好的投资环境,促进并稳定本地区的经济复苏,从而为全球的经济增长作出贡献。
  • And then analyzes the fast economic progress and the expansion of realistic purchasing ability and the improvement of a favorable investment environment etc in recent years in china which come up with the globalization strategy of tnc
  • It is located in the economic development zone of jiangshan city , on the boundary of zhejiang , fujian , jiangxi and anhui province . it is close to the hang jin qu highway , and just near the railway from zhenjiang to jiangxi . it has favorable investment environment , with convenient traffic
  • By now , there have been 25 members including china , australia , usa , japan , and korea etc . its main purpose is to keep the stable development of regional economy , promote the int l trade and create favorable investment environment so as to stimulate global economic boost
  • The favorable investment environment and the increased import barriers constitute the obvious location advantage of the united states . the falling of exchange rate of us dollar and the flourishing of us securities market provide the profitable investment opportunities for foreign investors . the reinforcement of the investing countries and transnational corporations lays the stable foundation for their direct investment in the united states
  • The foreign direct investment ( fdi ) and urban development are motivated by each other . the integrated advantage and favorable investment environment of city are the basic to attract foreign capital , and the foreign capital speeds the growth of economy and society synchronously , and it ' s also a prominent factor to affect urban spatial evolvement for local choice of foreign capital corporation
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